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~Community Guests~

The King of Kazoos, the madmen to blame for FUF, the riffers of Ponies; it's gotta be RIFFPONIES! Straight from the armpit of the country known simply as "New Jersey" comes the snarkiest comedy duo in the fandom, led by pony panelist extraordinaire Thoth Penswell & acclaimed pony fan-artist Acesential! With a year of online con chaos left in their wake, there is NO TELLING what they have in-store this time...so you'll just have to find out for yourself! 11 out of 10 horse doctors agree: RiffPonies is your one stop for Pony Comedy content!
Argembarger wrote, produced, and starred in The Spiderses almost 10 years ago, on 8/8/11. With his infamy safely established for the rest of time, he has been preoccupied with helping run a video game company called Multivarious Games, which he claims can be found through Google. He has attended nearly every TrotCon, despite the concerns of staff and local fire marshals.
Foaly can't quite believe that they've now been a fan of candy-colored magical ponies for over a decade, but somehow it has indeed been that long since 2011 – and what an incredible and joyful ten years! In that time, Foaly has presented on the links between MLP:FiM and Greek mythology at academic conferences and fan conventions around the world; they've moderated panels with a broad swath of the Powers That Be of the franchise; they've co-hosted a plethora of charity auctions in support of excellent causes alongside Dustykatt and other fabulous folks; and they've run around a lot in an unspecified and befuddled rush. Online, they've participated in a variety of livestreams and shows, helped actively shape the fan community on Twitter, and tracked the fandom’s charity and convention undertakings with their beloved spreadsheets. Foaly enjoys tea and is uncomfortable yet vaguely amused describing themself in the third person. You can usually find them tweeting too much over on @foalpapers. Be excellent to each other.
Fiaura The Tank Girl analyzes fandoms and writes extensive works for Fallout: Equestria. Further, she writers and assists in publishing official songs, audiobooks, Audio Dramas, and other pieces of content for the Fallout: Equestria Universe. Want to know what something does? How physics work in the Pony Universe? Or would you just like explosives horse to introduce herself and ask your name?
Keep Friendship Magic
Keeping Friendship Magic brings together the forces of Forward Progress and Nova Rose to dive deeper into the ponies and pop culture franchises we know and love so well! The duo not only run the Keeping Friendship Magic podcast, but also present a wide array of content that ranges from the educational to the hilarious. From late night talk shows to character analysis panels, if you like your horses with a side of social science and humor, then look no further than Keeping Friendship Magic!