A new Community Guest crawls aboard - welcoming Argembarger to TrotCon 2021!
Get your spiderses ready maties; today, we be introducin’ a pirate with zero peg legs and eight spidery ones to our crew!
The masterful wordsmith behind infamous cult My Little Pony fanfiction hits such as “The Spiderses” & “Firstval of Fernship” and the writer responsible for “fuf”, ARGEMBARGER is joining our pirate ship as our next Community Guest for TrotCon 2021 this December!
Rather than try to imitate the great author himself in introducing him (The AUDACITY of us to do such a thing…), we decided to let him introduce himself!
“argembargers a one the ‘write’rs wia wrotes the spiders story and a pepisman stores plus an other, as also’s. doetn’e make too moners much; conquesiance as coputersoftware eggineer as for job with in ohios call multivareius & an gdex, and so cam be swandled from trotcome’s nestled bosomly hug in nearby proximalies. Waiting fom hlolyWood for the casting call of orignal screenpays and riffling ranibrows royalies.”
Along with his prestigious pieces of pony fanfiction & his software engineering background, Mr. Argembarger has become a convention fixture thanks in-part to his fanfiction writing workshops, his work on the fan-favorite “Riffing Rainbow” throughout the online convention circuit, as well as his incredible VA Script Reading screenplays that have been beloved by Pony voice actors & con attendees alike that are sure to be nominated by the Academy Awards any day now!
Appearing all weekend long to help guide ye through treacherous & near-illegible pony fanfiction, spin plenty of spider web-spun yarns and direct yet another Completely Ordinary voice acting table read with our Guests of Honor, you’re sure to experience plenty of pieces of authorial masterwork at TrotCon 2021 as Argembarger climbs aboard as our next Community Guest at the Port of Crowne Plaza!
Art by BajaGryphon